"Bob Day Afternoon" is the second episode of the second season of the animated comedy series ''Bob's Burgers'' and the overall 15th episode, and is written by Dan Fybel and Rich Rinaldi and directed by Wes Archer. It aired on Fox in the United States on March 18, 2012. ==Plot== Bob goes across the street to the bank in order to ask for a loan, despite having several outstanding loans with them already. He is rejected, and upon returning to Bob's Burgers sees several police cars, followed by a SWAT team and a series of news vans, heading back towards the bank. A police detective enters their store, announcing that there is a holdup and hostage situation in progress in the bank, and that he needs Bob's Burgers to act as a headquarters for the police response. The bank robber Mickey (voiced by Bill Hader) requests pizza, and much to Bob's disgust Jimmy Pesto takes the opportunity to deliver it to them, gaining free publicity in the progress. The pizza is delivered by a remote control robot, and Gene asks the operator where he received his training, leading to an extended fantasy about attending Robot College, where he is seen partying and streaking with robots. Bob is overjoyed when Mickey dislikes Pesto's pizza, and asks for burgers instead. He speaks to Bob, and requests that he deliver the burgers himself. When Bob does so, the police sniper attempts to shoot Mickey, leading to Bob being taken hostage as well. A series of increasingly complicated group phone calls ensue between the police, the bank and the Belcher family, culminating in Bob being told that he should 'hit the deck' in one hour. Before this can happen, Mickey is able to form the hostages around himself in a human shield and escape to Bob's Burgers, trading place with the police in the process. When an hour passes the bank is flooded by tear gas, incapacitating the police and giving Mickey his chance to escape. He takes it, but is caught in the process, and the episode ends with him calling the family from prison, still on good terms with them all. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Bob Day Afternoon」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク